Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Wonderful Creation

Men are a wonderful creation. Without men there would be no women to birth the men. Now with that being said why is it that men don't seem to get "it"? No matter what a woman may say she ultimately wants to be in a relationship and possibly she wants that relationship with him. She only says she doesn't because she tries to keep her guard up so that she won't be hurt.

A man will spend all of his free time with you, compliment you, be there for you, take care of you but will not make an exclusive commitment. They would rather have the relationship without the titles, strings, and responsibilities. I'm actually not bitter about it because I think it may be the best thing for me right now.

To have a man that you can hold, spend time with, share thoughts and dreams, and basically do all the things you love or are accustomed to is kind of nice. That way if things start happening for better or for worse you can move the relationship in whichever direction.
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