It never cease to amazing me how rude some people can be. I have nothing against people being opinionated because anyone who knows me knows that I am very opinionated myself but some things should just be left unsaid. Positivity goes farther than anything.
I was always taught that it is best practice that if you don't have anything nice to say then do say anything at all. Sometimes you have to either keep it to yourself or use tact. I had someone say some pretty negative things about something I worked hard on and put my heart into. It hurt at first and then the hurt turned to anger but I soon realized that was someone who needed to put others down in order to feel good about themselves. Someone who needs to feel like they know more than others.
After calming down and reflecting it soon came to me that I was wasting too much energy on that negativity. I had to turn it into a positive and that is making me work harder on my writings. Everyone is not going to have the same taste, the same thoughts, the same perspective. I have since let that go and moved on to bigger things that I can control.
Our energy is ours to decide how we want to use it. I hope that more people will choose to use it positively. When you use it in the manner it tends to come back to you ten fold.
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