Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Disappointment in our future

I find myself becoming more troubled in a generation or time where it is okay for people to wear less and less.  There are arguments that go around stating that a woman asks to be approached in a certain manner when she dresses the way she does but that is not true.  The issue for me is when the people around these individuals allow their friends and loved ones to come out dressed any way.

Going to the grocery store in an area that is heavily saturated with young college students, I often see so many of these young girls dress in shorts that look like panties or very thin clothing that you are able to see their underwear.  I have always been taught that as a lady you should dress as such.  As an individual you should always dress as if you are going on a life interview.  You never want to look like what you have been through or what you are going through. 

When it comes to the young men, I don't believe that I know any WOMAN who wants someone always wearing baggy clothes, always wearing sneakers, or always braided up.  She wants someone who is going to compliment her and her accomplishments as I believe a man desires the same in a woman.  I constantly look back at our history and how my grandparents, great aunts, and great uncles took pride in their appearance.  The fact that we come up with names as a form of acceptance for the foolishness is disturbing.

They say that history has a way of repeating itself but if history is never taught to our children how can they bring it back to life.  As parents we should work to show our young women and men that you don't have to show everything to have what you are searching for in life.  Respect yourself and love yourself and others will follow suit. 

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