Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I have never understood why it makes others feel good about themselves to belittle overs.  On a day-to-day basis I get this in one form or another and I have realized that only I have the power to allow it to effect me.  I keep pressing on and smile.

People really shouldn't compare themselves to anyone else or what anyone else has but it happens.  I look at the lives of those who call themselves being bigger, smarter, more powerful than others and see they really don't have anything.  Money does not constitute as happiness.  You still have no kids, no significant other, no real friends that have your back or a promising career.  You have to continue to lie about simple  things just to make yourself feel better about your circumstances.

I continue to pray and smile because my life is so full of love and appreciation.  I know this seems to be a short passage but I felt the need to get it off of my chest.  Sometimes you have to just "speak on it".

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Disappointment in our future

I find myself becoming more troubled in a generation or time where it is okay for people to wear less and less.  There are arguments that go around stating that a woman asks to be approached in a certain manner when she dresses the way she does but that is not true.  The issue for me is when the people around these individuals allow their friends and loved ones to come out dressed any way.

Going to the grocery store in an area that is heavily saturated with young college students, I often see so many of these young girls dress in shorts that look like panties or very thin clothing that you are able to see their underwear.  I have always been taught that as a lady you should dress as such.  As an individual you should always dress as if you are going on a life interview.  You never want to look like what you have been through or what you are going through. 

When it comes to the young men, I don't believe that I know any WOMAN who wants someone always wearing baggy clothes, always wearing sneakers, or always braided up.  She wants someone who is going to compliment her and her accomplishments as I believe a man desires the same in a woman.  I constantly look back at our history and how my grandparents, great aunts, and great uncles took pride in their appearance.  The fact that we come up with names as a form of acceptance for the foolishness is disturbing.

They say that history has a way of repeating itself but if history is never taught to our children how can they bring it back to life.  As parents we should work to show our young women and men that you don't have to show everything to have what you are searching for in life.  Respect yourself and love yourself and others will follow suit. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fashion in the Workplace

A lot of times it may seem hard to show off your fashion skills in the workplace but it really is not that difficult. I have worked at companies that had a uniform to companies that didn't really care. Either way it is never as hard as some think it may be. I am going to start posting pictures of some personal styles that I have developed in the workplace even for myself.

Just so you know t-shirts are making a bold statement. Add them with your suit, some draping pearls (not just the white ones, spice it up with colored pearls), eye catching earrings, or maybe a scarf.

Oh yeah and you can look sexy in flats. There are peep toe flats, designed flats, flats in all colors, and even flats that are jeweled out. I love my stilettos as much as the next person however, don't limit yourself to just heels because let's be honest most of us have aching feet by lunch.

Like I said earlier I will start posting pictures of the different looks that are fun, flirty, and appropriate for the workplace. You want to be able to show up feeling good, looking good, and show your twist on professional office attire. It is a new day, a new age, and you may be the defining factor that can change the look of the office.

Monday, November 21, 2011


It never cease to amazing me how rude some people can be. I have nothing against people being opinionated because anyone who knows me knows that I am very opinionated myself but some things should just be left unsaid. Positivity goes farther than anything.

I was always taught that it is best practice that if you don't have anything nice to say then do say anything at all. Sometimes you have to either keep it to yourself or use tact. I had someone say some pretty negative things about something I worked hard on and put my heart into. It hurt at first and then the hurt turned to anger but I soon realized that was someone who needed to put others down in order to feel good about themselves. Someone who needs to feel like they know more than others.

After calming down and reflecting it soon came to me that I was wasting too much energy on that negativity. I had to turn it into a positive and that is making me work harder on my writings. Everyone is not going to have the same taste, the same thoughts, the same perspective. I have since let that go and moved on to bigger things that I can control.

Our energy is ours to decide how we want to use it. I hope that more people will choose to use it positively. When you use it in the manner it tends to come back to you ten fold.

The Lady's Response

Male Point of View on Commitment
...and what takes them so long to commit?

It took me a minute to think about this and I had to read over to come to my own conclusion. Men don't rush into a commitment because they afraid. They are afraid of being hurt, afraid of not meeting expectations, afraid of not being a good provider.

I believe that if a man truly believes that a woman has his back, supports him, encourages him, and is willing to stand by him in his less than perfect state then he should be willing to commit. Whatever is meant to be accomplished can be accomplished together. That is not to say that she is there to put him through school, help him build his company brick by brick, or even cater to him like a child.

All women don't look at commitment as a ring or marriage. It is that feeling that you can depend on someone, confide in someone, trust and believe in someone with all your heart. All that needs to be accomplished can be worked on through the course of the relationship. Commitment is not the end of the world it is the beginning of a new world.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Male Point of View on Commitment

....and what takes them so long to commit?

The Gentleman's View:
by G Guillory

The definition of Commitment is as follows : 1. the act of committing. 2. the state of being committed. 3. the act of committing, pledging,or engaging oneself. 4. a pledge or promise

Some Men are afraid of Commitment. Others see it as a chance to matriculate, and become real Men. The real question is WHY? Some view it as the end of the road, a sort of being put out to pasture. Like saying "you can't hang or your too old for the game". Some just choose not or have no desire to be with one mate.

As men (some of us) we're told get a good career, find a good woman and have a family. And that sounds like a good idea at first. But then they come across friends or family members that show them how to be a player, they meet the wrong woman or get cheated on. Then they're left with a bad taste in their mouth and that's when the fear, hurt or anger sets in. Men get turned off from the thought of commitment. Others get lucky and find the right one they want to commit but tend to drag their feet. In some cases this is a fear of committing period . In others it's a fear of not being prepared or being as stable as they want to be, to be able to provide like they believe or as they have been taught they should.

This last part may sound odd but it happens in more cases than most would think. In this last case, these men want to be able to give all that their family and significant other wants and needs. In these cases not all women stick around for the "now I've got it together" man because they believe that all this could have been accomplished while in the commitment.

In my opinion, it's a story for the ages. All of the teachings that boys are taught early on come through growth and maturity. These teachings add to his willingness to commit or lack thereof...

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Ok so I have been gone for a little bit but I am finding it hard to maintain all of the things that interest me and the things that I have to do to live. Hope that makes sense but if it didn't

Luckily, I am calling on the assistance of some people that I hold very dear to my heart to be contributors to my blog and they are more than willing to help a sistah out. We are getting ready to begin a new little segment "He Say, She Say" to get the male and female point of view on a few topics. So we will not just be getting the View of the Lady but that of the Gentleman. Asking that everyone stay tuned and invite a friend. Please invite a friend to become a follower and provide feedback on the topics.

Love you all much!!!