Monday, March 28, 2011

Loving Yourself Enough

So many times I run into single women who are always professing to love themselves but they do not know how to show it. Your actions will always speak volumes over everything else. When I stopped speaking it and began showing it, it reflected. From how you treat others, to your appearance, to even knowing the real you inside and out.

When you treat others with respect or how you want to be treated you will get that in return. This shows you hold yourself in high esteem. You don't have to go around belittling others for them to think of you as a grand person. Beauty and love is not only shown on the outside but what's on the inside will come out and reveal itself on the outside.

Appearance is a major way I show that I love me. I don't look good for anyone else but me. I like to "floss" in the mirror and admire all my assets. I not only make sure my hair meets my expectations, but I make sure that my outfit is well put together. You will not catch me at the grocery store, gas station, my kids school, or even Wal-Mart with pajamas on, hair tied up, or looking a hot mess. I am always presentable because you never know who is around or what situation may occur.

A little touch of make-up helps to show you are putting forth effort as well. You don't have to look like a clown or like you are about to hit up the club. Most men love a woman with a natural look. This also includes your natural hair. There are plenty of men who may tolerate a woman having weave but most would rather look at the beautiful natural you. That effortless glowing beauty of a woman like when she first wakes in the morning is truly amazing. There is nothing wrong with changing your look every now and then because anyone who knows me knows I change my look often but we as women should set certain limitations on some of these changes.

Something else to do if you love yourself is date yourself. Friends have told me that they felt foolish going out to eat or to the movies by themselves and my question to them or anyone else is always WHY?! This gives you the time you need to figure out what you really like, how to care for yourself if others have been caring for you,and what exactly you are willing to tolerate in a mate. Dating yourself helps you to not settle or have a desire to settle for less than your worth. During this time you won't even be concerned with a relationship and then when you look up love might just be starring you in the face.

When you love yourself it reflects to others by the way you walk, you talk, you carry yourself, and how you treat others. Don't allow others to tell you who you are. Look in the mirror and claim it for yourself. When you are truly in love with yourself you don't have to go around chanting it because others will look at you and say "She/He loves himself and got it going on". This will attract that special person to see you. This will attract that special person to the special person in you. This will allow everyone to fall in love with you. All you have to do is love yourself enough.

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