Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Online so many people exaggerate who they really are but I don't need anyone to show up with a representative on their behalf. I need you to show up as the real you. It is easier to handle things in your friendship/relationship/partnership if you are presented with the facts ahead of time or in the beginning so that it won't be a surprise later.

Example: If you say it's complicated it probably isn't. Either you are separated, going thru a divorce, taking a hiatus, or whatever but it's truly not that complicated. Tell someone up front so that they can make a conscious choice to hang with you or not. To say you are single and then that other person pops up can cause serious hurt on both ends. #justsaying

A lot of times people are blinded by what they want to see in the other person rather than what they need to see. So many individuals get into online dating or communicating because they believe it to easy. They can be the person that others want them to be. Asking the right questions, paying close attention to the things they say to you, even engaging them in random trivia can give people the information they need to become "that someone" you are looking for in a relationship.

While we are talking about the social media, if you are in a relationship with an individual I would advise you not to be friends with your significant other unless you can handle what comes across their page. You get to a point that you begin to single in on one or more people that cross their page. Nothing could be going on but your suspicions get the best of you. Online accounts need to seriously be discussed amongst couples.

Nowadays these accounts are being used in courts to help assist in divorces, custody cases, and even terminations. People have got to make conscious decisions on what to say not only in the face of people but also online. They can even pull deleted emails and texts. Word to the wise: Stop leaving a paper trail for information you don't want to come back and bite you later.

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